1. Payment Method
We support PayPal.
PayPal is the most popular online payment service in use today, it's secure and convenient.
If you don't have a PayPal account yet, you can click here to register an account for your online shopping convenience.
If you do not want to register a PayPal account, on the PayPal checkout page, you can fill in your credit card/debit card information directly (note that this feature might not work for every country due to policy restrictions)

2. Payment plan
Until this moment, we support 2 main payment plans.
(1) Lump-sum payment
You can pay off the full price at once to save the troubles of having to prepare for another payment later.
(2) Deposit-first payment
You can pay $19.99 first as a deposit to make the reservation and fulfill the balance when this product has a specific shipping date (after the official release). You would receive a PayPal invoice that would stay open for 15 days before it expires.
What about split payment?
- We do not accept further installments on top of the above payment plans and will only process orders when the payment is complete.
- For pre-orders, the remaining balance will not be charged until the product is released which would usually allow you a couple of months to prepare the payment.
- If you need extra time after you receive the remaining balance for a released pre-order, you can request a deadline extension from us.
3. Price currency
- All products are priced in US dollars, but you can switch the currency in which the products are displayed when browsing the store to get a better idea of the product value.
- The system will calculate the order price based on US dollars after you submit your cart to checkout. You can pay in a different currency. The value depends on the exchange rate from the payment platform and your bank of the day.
- Our price guarantee for pre-ordered products is based on the US dollar. If you pay in another currency, the final amount of the balance invoice which you receive when the product is released may differ slightly from the amount calculated at the time of your pre-order due to exchange rate fluctuations.