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Skin Tones of Jiaou Doll Seamless Figures

Skin Tones of Jiaou Doll Seamless Figures

Jiaou Doll is another brand producing seamless figures bodies besides TBleague. Only from the customers' perspective, they provide similar products, prices are a little bit lower and with more choices on the skin tone than TBleague does.

I've made a chart about the 9 skin tones they have in female figures, I've brought 3 dimensions into comparison:

  • Horizontally is the range of color contrast, the ones on the right side tend to have a more "colored" skin tone, might be more "yellow" or more "pinkish"; the ones on the left side tend to be more "grey".
  • Vertically is the range of brightness, the upper ones looks brighter than the bottoms ones.
  • Red / Yellow tone are marked with a colored dot behind the type name. Some types are more yellow, some are more red. In my observation, there are more "red/pinkish" head sculpts than "yellow/brown" ones.

For example:

  • BS01 is darker than WS01, about the same color contrast, and they are all in "red" tone.
  • BM and BS are in very similar color contrasts and brightness, but BM is more "yellow" and BS is more "red".

Hope it's clear!

And one more thing, WS01 is very close to TBLeague "Pale" and "BS01" is very close to "suntan", so now you can connect these 2 brands.


1. Looking for a color darker than TBLeague "suntan"?Go with "BS"

This happens a lot, you prepare a TBleague "suntan" figure for a head sculpt, but it's too bright and looks weird with the body.

If the head sculpt is not obviously in a yellowish tone, "BS" would be your best alternative here, it is by far the darkest skin tone in Jiaou Doll series.

A example: This is a third-party head sculpt for Scarlett Johansson. The skin tone of the body on the left image is "suntan" from TBLeague, right is "BS" from Jiaou Doll. (Please ignore the size of TBLeague body, I just happened to only have a petite size in hand 😬)

As you can see, the head sculpt does not look totally weird on "suntan" body, but it might look better with BS because this head sculpt I choose is with darker skin tone than actual "suntan", more like "tan".

Which head sculpts are accurately toned in "suntan"?

Most of the time the we would list the skin tone of any female head sculpt to help you better choose the body (we would add a color-code at the end of the product title). This information is provided by the supplier. And according to our experience, these brands have the most accurate control in "suntan" when they claim their products to be.

2. Don't hesitate too much among BS01, KT, and TBLeague Suntan

KT is a skin tone specially designed for KIMI TOYS. Since we just mentioned that KIMI Toys is good to go with TBleague suntan, will it look better on Jiaou Doll KIMTOYS?

So is BS01, it's advertised as "close to TBleague suntan", will it look just as good as "TBLeague suntan" on KIMITOYS?

Head sculpt:  KIMI TOYS KT004


These 3 skin tones are very very close to each other, any of them would be good option if you are choosing a "suntan" body.


Only If we look very closely.

  • BS01 and KT have just the same level of color contrast, which is a little bit higher than TBleague suntan.
  • The brightness of them are very close, TBleague should be between KT and BS01 as according to my observation.

3. Looking for a body for a "yellow" head sculpt ?

Color balance (pink/yellow) matters more than brightness and color contrast, in my opinion. It means if you have a yellowish head sculpt, but you choose a pinkish body, even if the color contrast / brightness are perfectly close, it would still look strange.

Most head sculpts are in the "red/pink" tone, but there could be exceptions. If you think your head sculpt is looking more "yellow" than natural, you can choose the ones marked with yellow dots in the collection image. If think it's just "not that pinkish", but not exactly "totally yellowish", YS is the skin tone that goes between.

Head sculpt in photo: JXtoys-06 Selene Kate Beckinsale

  • WS is the lightest skin color in a yellow tone.
  • YS is a balanced mixture of "yellow" and "pink"
  • BM is brown color, very dark and yellow, make sure you have a product in-hand before you select this skin tone. 


There are 2-3 skin tone colors we have not mentioned in this blog because I have not found head sculpt with according skin tones, I would update this blog when I bump into the perfect example in the future. 

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